Client Hub
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Select / Switch Organization
Manage Project
Create a Collaboration Session
Edit a Collaboration Session
Join a Collaboration Session
Leave a Collaboration Session
Delete a Collaboration Session
View a Collaborator's Details
Remove a Collaborator from a Session
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Create Organization
Delete an Organization
Invite User to Organization
Accept Invite
Create a Project
Create a Scene
Edit Project
Edit Scene
Create a Team
Edit a Team
Invite User to Team
Getting Started
System Requirements
Install Client Hub
Install Unity Plugin
Error Joining a Session
Setup a Project for Collaboration
Start Collaboration
Client Hub
Manage Project
You can manage your local project settings for individual projects.
Click on the Preferences link on the navigation bar to
Select / Switch Organization
Select an Organization Select an Organization and click on the
Sign Out
Click on your Username to bring up the Account Menu
Sign In
Sign In is required to use Area28 Client Hub. You